The health of a man's reproductive system and his sexual function are very sensitive to the effects of negative factors. Various illnesses, adverse effects on the environment, alcohol consumption, a long course of medication and other reasons can cause a deterioration in potency. One is an incorrectly formulated diet.
If a man is concerned about the deterioration of his erection, you should not try to correct the situation right away with medication. It is possible that adjustments in diet and lifestyle will be enough. Consider which products are helpful for increasing potency and which should be discarded so as not to cause problems with your sex life.

Effects of Diet on Male Strength
A man is what he eats, and a man's potency in this sense is no exception. To maintain the health of the organs of the reproductive system, the stable synthesis of male sex hormones, it is necessary to eat correctly.
Diet should be planned to ensure regular intake of the full range of compounds the body needs.
First, for a stable erection and maintenance of reproductive function, humans need proteins. In addition to the protein component, the daily diet should include complex carbohydrates obtained from vegetables and cereals. The body needs vitamins A, C, E and group B, zinc, selenium, amino acids.
A well-organized diet is not only the inclusion of the necessary set of substances in the diet, but also the observance of certain rules for the intake and distribution of food.
In order for the diet to bring maximum benefits, you should follow the following recommendations:
- one cannot overeat, this leads to obesity and therefore negatively affects the general state of health, causes the development of various diseases;
- it is necessary to control the drinking regimen (1, 8-2 liters per day), increase fluid intake in conditions of great moisture loss (in summer, with significant physical effort, when visiting a steam room);
- you cannot drink while eating, this leads to a deterioration of digestion, less productive assimilation of food, which means it reduces the benefits of the food consumed (you cannot drink before 30-40 minutes after eating);
- the less intensive and prolonged the processing to which the product is subjected, the more useful properties it will retain;
- you need to eat simple natural foods, avoid prepared foods that contain additives (preservatives, flavoring additives, flavor enhancers);
- must follow the daily routine and food intake: must eat at the same time, in short intervals and in small amounts.
A healthy man's diet
For a man who wants to avoid impotence, a properly balanced diet is important. It must be based on the protein needed to build the male hormone testosterone molecule.
A high level of testosterone is the key to excellent potency. Therefore, in a man's daily diet, meat, eggs, dairy and fish must be present.
Most of the protein is contained in seafood, rich in other compounds necessary for human health. They should also be present in the diet at least 2-3 times a week.
For stable testosterone secretion, it is animal-derived protein that is needed, so meat is the mainstay of a healthy man's diet.
To maintain potency, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of meat products. Today, most producers raise cattle by adding hormones to their feed. This has a big effect on profits, as animals gain weight quickly, but these producers don't think about the consumer at all.
Eating such meat for male potency is destructive, since the main part of the hormones it contains is represented by estrogens and similar substances. Therefore, if a man takes care of his health and wants to preserve masculine strength, he must be concerned about the quality of the meat he eats.
Low-fat diet meats are the most preferred. These are veal, filet mignon, rabbit, lamb and also poultry. Meat should be cooked gently, such as roasting or stewing.
Saltwater fish contain many compounds necessary for the stable functioning of the reproductive system. The most useful for men are trout, salmon, sole and perch.
Seafood is also rich in trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids. A man must eat shrimp, oysters, squid, mussels.
Any egg can be used, but quail eggs are the most nutritionally useful.
In addition to the protein component, vegetables, herbs and fruits should be on the table every day for stable testosterone production and maintenance of erectile function.
Especially useful for men:
- green vegetables (spinach, arugula, celery);
- cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), turnips;
- nightshade (tomato, eggplant);
- pumpkin, zucchini;
- avocado;
- pears;
- citrus;
- plums;
- grenades;
- raspberries;
- Cherry.
Whenever possible, it is recommended that vegetables be eaten raw or subjected to minimal heat treatment. Coarse vegetable fibers have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Good motor activity in the gastrointestinal tract improves blood circulation in the pelvic region, that is, it helps to maintain the stable functioning of Organs reproductive organs.
Dried fruits, nuts and pumpkin seeds are extremely useful for potency boosting. They must be present in the diet of a man who wants to remain sexually active for many years.
These products contain a lot of zinc, selenium, vitamins, folic acid and other substances needed for potency.
Drinks that strengthen the erection
Not only the food consumed, but also the beverages can help to increase potency. The most beneficial for men are:
- kumis (stimulates blood circulation, has a relaxing effect);
- pomegranate juice (needed to maintain hematopoiesis function and improve blood circulation);
- celery juice and parsley (has the property of increasing sexual desire, improves erectile function);
- ginger tea, a drink made from ginger root and honey (stimulates blood circulation, activates the organs of the reproductive system).
Flavors and ready-to-eat food - a threat to potency
The use of certain foods and beverages is extremely detrimental to potency and you definitely need to know about them to limit or completely exclude them from the diet as much as possible.
No matter how much you eat healthy, if the diet contains foods that suppress sexual function, the effect of proper nutrition will be small.
Nutritional Supplements
First, you must limit your consumption of natural food additives - salt and sugar. These substances have been added to various dishes, beverages, confectionery and flour products since ancient times, but they are far from harmless. Of course, salt and sugar are not poisons, but their consumption must be strictly normalized so that they do not harm the body in general and potency in particular.
Sugar is added to improve the flavor of tea or coffee, it is used in baking, in the production of sauces, ice cream, jams, juices. Excessive sugar consumption leads to increased insulin and cortisol production.
An excess of these hormones negatively affects the activity of androgens, especially testosterone, which also affects potency. Therefore, it is necessary to significantly limit the intake of sugars in the body.
Glucose, which is a source of energy, is best obtained from honey, fruits, berries.
It should be remembered that sugars are found in many products, therefore, before buying, it is necessary to carefully read the composition indicated on the product label. This applies not just to sweets, soft drinks (they have a truly monstrous sugar content), sweets, ice cream and baked goods. Sugar is used in the production of sauces, mayonnaise, preserves.
Men are very fond of salty foods, this is due to some characteristics of the body. However, exceeding the allowable norm for salt (4 grams per day) negatively affects the functioning of the circulatory system. This is due to sodium chloride's ability to retain moisture in the body.
An excess of salt in the diet leads to an increase in circulating blood volume and an increase in blood pressure. This, in turn, inhibits testosterone production and negatively affects erectile function.
ready meal
Cooking today is a huge industry that is growing rapidly. This is because cooking is a time-consuming process and not controlled by everyone. It's much easier to buy ready-to-eat food that you just reheat.
Semi-finished products, canned food and fast food have become an integral part of the diet of most people living in more or less large settlements. And this fact is directly related to the increase in the number of men who suffer from impotence.
The fact is that various flavors and aromas, trans fats, a lot of sugar and salt are used to make "fast food". There is no benefit in semi-finished products and fast food, but there are many harmful synthetic compounds. In addition, fast food chain companies use hormone-filled meat and vegetables grown in chemical fertilizers for cooking. This is due to the fact that such products are much cheaper than natural ones.
Other foods and beverages harmful to potency
To reduce the risk of impotence, men should limit their coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day. Furthermore, it should be natural coffee, not substitutes that "pretend" to be a noble drink.
The fact is, caffeine stimulates the production of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which are testosterone antagonists. You should also limit your intake of beverages and foods that contain caffeine.
Impairs potency and alcohol. Many men believe that alcohol arouses desire, increases sexual desire. This is true if alcohol is consumed in extremely small amounts. If you drink drinks regularly, this leads to a significant weakening of potency.
Ethanol is a poison that destroys all organs and systems, so it must be consumed in homeopathic doses or this stimulant must be abandoned altogether. Long-term alcohol consumption in excess of normal leads to deterioration in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which negatively affects erectile function.
Dysfunction of the liver, endocrine system leads to changes in hormone levels: testosterone secretion is inhibited.
In addition, for good potency, it is necessary to limit the use of fats, mainly of animal origin, fish and canned meat, sausages and smoked meat, margarine, soy.
fast action products
If a man is not sure that he can reach his partner with male power, but at the same time has no particular problem with potency, aphrodisiacs will come to his rescue. Thus, in honor of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, substances are called which increase the sex drive and sexual activity. Since ancient times, people are familiar with products that increase libido, increase the capacity for sensual pleasures.
First on the list of aphrodisiacs is, by right, seafood. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium, zinc, so necessary for the intensive production of the main male hormone testosterone.
Men and women have long known that before a date it is best to eat oysters. Today, these marine reptiles are very expensive, but mussels, crayfish, shrimp and squid will help boost your confidence in your masculine abilities.
Marine fish is also recognized as a good aphrodisiac. Men are advised to consume all types of cold-water fish, but steamed or boiled mackerel and halibut are especially helpful.
Another useful product to increase male strength is chocolate. Consuming natural dark chocolate without additives promotes the production of pleasure hormones, increases sexual desire and increases stamina.
To increase male strength, experts recommend using ginger. This root has a unique chemical composition, due to which it increases blood circulation throughout the body.
Good blood circulation is essential for maintaining erectile function. The work of the gonads is activated, which contributes to the intense secretion of male hormones. Ginger has a pronounced flavor, it can be added as a spicy seasoning to meat and vegetable dishes, as well as to make a healthy and tasty drink from it.
Nuts can also help to recharge your sexual energy. For the stable functioning of the reproductive system, they need to be consumed daily.
Nuts contain a lot of potency-boosting substances, so it's helpful for a man to eat a handful before a date.
Nuts are potentially allergenic and should be consumed with caution. In addition, they have a high nutritional value, so don't overdo it: a handful a day is enough to supply the male body with the necessary compounds.
Pine nuts and walnuts are considered the most beneficial for maintaining male strength.
Another way to increase sexual desire and strengthen male strength is to eat dishes that have added spices before the date. The most useful in this regard are cardamom, mint, anise, cinnamon. A variety of vegetables also have a good effect, parsley and celery are especially useful.
The ideal dinner before a date might consist of seafood flavored with lemon juice, or a serving of lean meat cooked with spices and ginger, avocado, fresh vegetables, fruit, and a handful of nuts.
Not always, but quite often, a man's problems in the sexual sphere can be solved just by changing his lifestyle and eating behavior. For the stable functioning of the reproductive system, a balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary substances is necessary.